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Aviation Unit


The Pilots and Crew consist of Police Officers, Fire and EMS personnel. They are highly qualified and experienced in their duties with military and/or civilian training. The New Milford Police Department through its Safety Management System ensures compliance with all required regulatory aviation and safety standards. The New Milford Department Aviation Unit Commander is charged with operational control of the unit. The team is designed as an on call, mission ready task force unit fulfilling the need for necessary air support. All members who staff the 24-hour a day, 365 day per year operation are volunteers. No individuals or municipalities are charged for our service. All state and local agencies or personnel can utilize the cost effectiveness and outstanding resources of Eagle 2.

Eagle Two can be deployed for

• Surveillance & photographic missions
• Counter Drug Missions
• Special Operations Drills, Orientations, & Training
• Search & Rescue of lost boats and missing persons
• Hi-Angle & Cold Water Rescues
• Aerial command and control for critical incident management. 
• Nighttime lighting of accident scenes / Traffic Control
• Assisting Special Teams
• Community and Educational Events
• Disaster Relief / Environmental Support

More information

For more information or details on how to support/donate to this program, please visit the Eagle Search and Rescue website at: https://www.eagle-1.org/